Friday, August 6, 2010

Arushi Roy Chowdhury

Hell had broken loose at 15, Ganesh Chandra Lane. How could this happen? This was uncanny, bizarre, out of the world. Anything but true. A girl who had scored above 430 in her higher secondary results couldn't help but dream of a government college. But fate had something else in store for her. A four thousand and something rank had left her dumb-founded. Tears of frustation and agony welled up in her eyes. Her rank was way behind those of her close friends. There was only one question that hovered over and over in her mind... How the hell could this happen?

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chowdhury had never let anything come in the way of the success of her daughter. But their daughter was made of a different fibre altogether. Inspite of an alto waiting at her doorstep, she preferred to travel in the over-crowded school bus, just to be around with her friends. She was one of those who could go to any extent to be a help to her friends. She would rather confess before doing anything which even hinted of rule-breaking. That was Arushi Roy Chowdhury. In short what you would call a 'very good girl'.

But today was very very different. She felt weird, irritated, disgusted and above everything alone. The world was closing in on her. The mere thought of getting into that mediocre college was enough to bring back tears. The tear-stains seemed to have left a permanent mark on her innocent face. Will she ever be able to adjust with these below-standard students?


  1. great.........awsome.........n she will adjust .....right???

  2. keep reading for answers... sotti bolte ki amio janina... he he...

  3. nice number ta dili na???:-P

  4. arushi..come on babe..u can do it..!
